Friday, January 15, 2010

 "a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill

Ok. I was reading my sisters latest blog and this quote stuck out to me. I felt the need to write I go.

I have always been a positive person, always tried to see the silver lining on every gray cloud that came my way or crossed the paths of those close to me. People usually shot down my attempt to be positive, and for the most part I never let them steal my joy. But after a while, the positive shit is for the birds, and you simply just want to be mad or depressed. Even if only for a little while. BUT that mad/sad/depressed/oh woe is me attitude gets you now where in life.

Like Mr. Churchill said "a pessimist finds difficulty in every opportunity" and I concur! Any body can look at any given task and find 1001 things wrong with it and 1001 more reasons why they can't complete said task. But "an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" and basically taking the bull by the horns and saying that this problem will not get the best of me, i can and will succeed!

Sometime last summer I decided that is what I was going to do. I stopped feeling sorry for myself and started to look at everyday on this earth as a true blessing from GOD. Now, I can honestly say that I am on the road to pure happiness. Granted everything isn't going to be perfect but i have to handle situations in a positive light because I know positive results will follow.

So with that, I encourage the world to hold on to your rose colored shades and look through them as often as possible because if you look at every opportunity as a difficult one then you'll never know when you finally overcome difficult!


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