Friday, February 5, 2010

Cavity Request: Men aint Shit

Men aint shit & why women continue to put up with it? requested by my sister Sapphire

Ladies you are NOT going to like this...BUT...I think men only do what we allow them to.

We get comfortable, as we should, and they take advantage. Granted some of them are just absolutely horrible people that care about no one or nothing else but themselves. But there are a few that have had their hearts shredded and just how we put up a wall block, they do too. Think about that man that you just up and left because his bank account wasn't where YOU wanted it to be. Or the one that had potential but u chose to go to his "well put together brother" yeah he might've brushed you off like it was nothing but yeah...That shit hurts...just like it hurts you.

Then think about the chick he met after you. Bet he didn't let her meet his homeboys, especially not the ones doing better than him. Bet he never showed her he was broke. And probably did everything in his power to make her think he was stable. And trying to impress her and your money hungry, yet broke, ass of an ex...he is now in debt and has moved back in with his parents.

Think about how he felt when you cursed him out and told everyone you knew that he was broke, and what did that accomplish? You hurt his pride, maybe made a few other females turn the other way when he apporached them...but in the end what did you really accomplish? Because you are still sitting around home alone screaming about "Men ain't shit...Men ain't shit..."

Have you ever considered that YOU AIN'T SHIT? & you just attract ain't shit people?

Now don't get me wrong, I've had my share  of losers and heart breakers and I've done my share of heart breaking myself so i do understand both sides of the game. As human beings we can be selfish and deceitful and at times we can be kindhearted and loving. I think that we, myself included, hold on to the past and allow one person to carry the burdens of many. We expect too much from those that aren't capable of filling those expectations then are dissappointed in them for not being what we wanted them to be, but just being themselves. We have to remember that every situation is different. It MIGHT feel the same, It MIGHT even be oddly similar but THIS man is NOT THAT man. And THIS woman is NOT THAT woman.

At some point we have to own up to our contributions to heart break and realize that, we too, are not perfect, and we cannot expect something from others that we cannot produce ourselves. So Ladies yes we put up with alot but so do men. The might not express it as much but consider all the good he does do and how much he busts (

So your sweet treat for today: when making assumptions start with the person in the Mirror and see who really comes next.


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