Friday, February 12, 2010

Cavity Request: Corporal Punishment in School

So my ex bf gave me this suggestion: Is corporal punishment needed in schools today?

Ok first off let me tell you that I went to a Black-owned, Christian School from pre-k all the way to 7th grade. So of course, I got spankings in school. And of course, my mother approved them. She told every teacher, counselor on that campus that if I got out of line to "Take that shoe of yours and beat her ass!" I will admit that some of them did...hell all of them would but I wasn't that bad of a child. I respected my elders, did my lessons, didn't prevent anyone else from getting theirs and went on about my business.

I had bible class EVERY DAY and we had chapel service every Friday at the church 2 blocks away. The pastor of said church was also the founder of the school I attended. He himself administered a few spankings to the children at some point in time {not to me though ;-)}.

Now granted I knew better, but a little reminder every now and then didn't hurt.

My opinion today is that these children need there ASSES BEAT!! But not just in school. I personally feel that if a parent doesn't lay a foundation (or at least support your efforts) it is damn near impossible to change a child's ways.

If parents spent more time paying attention to their children and less time allowing other peoples gossip and drama to take up their time, there probably wouldn't be so many bad ass kids!

My generation has it the worse because some of them have been the product of bad parenting experiences themselves. It's hard to raise a child up to do right when you weren't raised that way. Yes it's good in theory, and at times it has happened but honestly, that is a very hard thing to overcome.

I'm not blaming it all on the parents because there are some geniunely, bad seeds out there in the world, but good parenting can make the difference.

So I say NO to corporal punishment in school but YES to corporal punishment at HOME. 

Once again beat your child's ass! not abuse, but discipline! You beat them now, you wont need to bail them out later.


1 comment:

  1. I agree MsSuga! It starts at home. I don't have to beat my children. From very young I taught them to respect others. Now, at times growing up, they "forgot" and I had to give them a refresher course but my kids are good and they are both girls, 9 and 14. People always compliment me on their behavior. They are both Girl Scouts and they do community service willingly and they enjoy it. I have NEVER had a problem in school. I can't stand to see some bad a$$ child acting up and I hate it even more to see a parent ignoring the child. Please parents, BE parents and keep your kid in line.
